Mirror- A Poem, By Alexia Jasmene
My heart races and aches and flutters and energizes,
It radiates fear as I stare my mother,
Then stare my lover,
In the eyes and lie…
I lie about what I want,
Even though every facet of my being is burning,
Is vibrating,
Is swimming.
I utter words that my mind concocts but is foreign to my heart.
My heart screams in painful agony as my mouth smiles in appeasement.
And then pain and suffering soon follow in tidal waves
Baptizing me in fear,
Drowning in the energy barely able to see the light at shore,
As the right side of my body vibrates crimson red,
I drown in no…
My heart races and aches and flutters and energizes,
It radiates excitement as I say yes to creativity,
Say yes to love,
Say yes to adventure,
Say yes to grace,
Say yes to aliveness,
Say yes to possibility.
My mouth utters truth as I look in so many eyes,
Eyes of my friends,
Eyes of future lovers,
Eyes of trees and Skys and rocks and beings as I say yes,
Speaking the truth and language of my heart to possibility.
My left side vibrates in calm, comforting and confident Crimson blue,
I surrender to my heart and to possibility…
I step back, and see the red and blue,
Begin to notice how the blue has tints of red and the red tints of blue,
They begin to meld to merge,
Making a royal purple of calm loving regal suffering,
Feeling radiant in the totality of love and pain
Of fear and joy,
A mirror of my mind and heart,
Reflected back with peace and grace in it all.
My heart pounds with fearful adventure ,
For when my mind and heart meet.